
Subliminal Gestures and Martial Arts

 Part One: Subliminal Gestures ("SG" throughout the rest of the text.) are not really so mystical as they may initially seem. Agreed, they are not something found being taught in common dojos and studios. But, they are out there, if you care to look hard enough, they are out there in a large way. So much in fact that I bet you experienced one of them without even knowing it! No kidding, more on this later as I explain the effect and cause of a well executed SG. A truly well-timed (Timing is everything) SG first catches the attention (Vision). The doorway to the mind. The mind is the key to the body. Now, it_s time to deceive the adversary_s mind. An SG is a fake or feint, a misdirection or draw. The SG is an exploiter of human psychology that has its roots embedded deep into our "Survival DNA." So deeply that medical science is not fully aware of what these hidden trigger mechanisms are capable of in life or death situations. An SG must pose a threat to the well bei...
Beneath the tropical skies, I did survive your lies In the Grasses of death, I lost my breath In that valley of night, I lost clear sight Laid low so I would die, but instead I learned to fly Now my honor retained and now my life regained No one to care, but my life was to spare Life isn’t fair, yet heard was my prayer
  Before undertaking the study of these modules & methods the pupil must know the Tai Chi Chuan Form. They must have mastered the Boxing manual of our school. They must have learned the ways of weapons and the counters to them. Knowledge of the joints and their articulations must be certain. The Five ways must be known. Physical limitations must be defined and dealt with prior to this undertaking. Any and all gaps in your abilities must be first addressed and corrected. Of these things is the Master's way defined and clarified. THE METHODS of the MASTER: The Empty Handed Dynamics of Defense Defined Presented in sets of Three - As Complimentary studies - Mentoring Modules for the Master! ONE : Dexterity - Movement - Timing - Deception, Advanced Principles of Strike, grasp and lock - cleverness in combat (faking) are taught in the HANDS of the Magician module. The "Exchange of hands" is first, followed by the "One Hand" method as second and lastly ...